Monday, March 27, 2017

A Visit to Pike-Lincoln Technical Center

TMS 8th grade students had the opportunity to take an informative and interactive field trip to Pike-Lincoln Technical Center. PLTC offered the opportunity for our students to select their three areas of interest. The courses offered to our students to choose from were: 3D Animation and Modeling, Auto Collision Technology, Auto Service Technology, Computer & Networking Technology, Diesel Technology, Digital Design, Health Sciences, and Welding Technology. Building Trades is also offered to high school students, but we were unable to have our students tour due to the course being site based. The students were able to go to their first choice and then rotated through another course either of their choosing or where there was additional room. The beginning of visit took place in their large conference room where students met the directors and counselor of PLTC. The counselor discussed course offerings and the directors discussed safety during the tour for the 8th grade students. After the brief introduction and presentation, students were split into their groups. Each class gave a brief description of the course, tour around the room, and then provided a demonstration or interstice lesson with our students. Computer & Networking Technology allowed our students to splice wires, take apart a hard drive, and observe students creating code. Diesel Technology had a student ambassador discuss various aspects of the course with students and had games related to Diesel Technology prepared. Welding Technology discussed the importance of mathematics in their field and emphasized welding is skill which requires a lot of practice, our students received deer head welding pieces made from the Welding Technology students.